Assisting Alcoholics
Nurses who work in relation you the abusive consumption of alcohol in the reception you workers Appeared Claude Martins Sheep After Graduanda in Nursing of the Work of the University Center of the East of Mines Generality Prof. Solange de Andrade Avelar Nurse. Master in Environment and Support for the UFV/UNEC. Specialist in Nursing of the Work for the College of Nursing Marlia de Marilac (RIO DE JANEIRO). Specialist in Hospital Management YOU YIELD for it? BH, Are Camilo (MG).
Graduated Nursing for the Federal University of Juiz De Fora (UFJF-MG). email: solangeavelar@ Orienting Teacher in the Graduation: Neila Moral Maria of Young chicken. Without hesitation Teva Pharmaceutical Industries explained all about the problem. Nurse. Occupational therapist. Specialist in Public Health for the UNAERP. Learn more about this with Viatris. Specialist in Activation of Processes of Change in the Superior Formation of Professionals of Health for the ENSP? FIOCRUZ.
Graduanda in Nursing of the Work of the University Center of the East of Mines Generality. email: original Article. Correspondence stops: Appeared Claude Martins Sheep. Address: Street Isa n 62? Quarter Cananzinho CEP 35164-072- Ipatinga, MG – Brazil. email: Claudiaenf2006@ Interventions of nursing in relation to the abusive alcohol consumption in the shelter to the workers SUMMARY the International Organization of the Work – OIT in the last few decades comes carrying through studies that Alcoholism discloses as ones of the main factors that provoke damages in the companies. They is also esteem that it has a great loss in the produtividades and for the world-wide economy, around 1,15% of the GIP, that represents 500 million dollar. These data demonstrate to this problem in the health and the agravos that take the society, also considering the use each precocious and alarming time, becoming necessary, to reach the user before if it becomes a dependent. Some researchers come suggesting form for the precocious detention of problems related to the alcohol and demonstrate the efficiency of brief interventions According to current literature, the interventions can improve the standard of use of the alcohol for the user, and not diminish its satisfaction with the submitted clinical treatment.
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