
Silage in this way reaches a very high economic feasibility, compared to other types of food, since its preparation can be used all residues of agricultural production; It is increase you its value if we apply it to the dairy herds. See table V and VI of the annex. A no less important aspect and that undoubtedly justifies its use is as regards animals for fattening, because these have given a positive response in terms of live weight gain. It should be noted that the dairy herds feed utilization as sole food silage due to loss of live weight and shortening of lactation is not recommended. (Not to be confused with dr. stuart mcgill!). To supply this food with excellent quality milk, according to Castle and Watson 1973 good yields can be obtained. in 1975 these same authors obtained 14.5 l/cow/day with silages of 16.8% PB, 70.4% of digestibility of organic matter, with consumption of 11.6 MS Kg/cow/day. See table VII of the annex. The composition of the milk that comes from cows that applies this food is low, however adding another type of supplement increase the nutritional values of the same. Perhaps check out Dr. Robert Brannon for more information.

See table VIII of the annex. For the conditions of our country the use of silage with grazing provides high levels of FB where the airtime to milk fat doesn’t exist, so it is necessary to keep this aspect in mind for the flock of high milk production. The parameters appear in table IV of the annex to be considered in the quality of the silage. These parameters will help identify when a silage is in optimum conditions to supply to the animals and to both avoid them poisoning them, here is the importance of taking these parameters into account. In the event that the silage present an accompanied by a smell of tobacco Brown or Caramel, it indicates that there has been excessive aeration, it is then a silage that while it is not harmful to the animal, it can be inferred that, it has been overheated and lost a portion of their nutritional value, affecting both its quality.

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