Peugeot IOn Mobility Redefined

Reservations for electric vehicle possible with the marketing of emission-free electric vehicles pursued the French carmaker Peugeot not only a realignment of its brand strategy, but would like to design a new mobility concept together with the energy service provider Veolia (France) and the car-sharing providers of Greenwheels (Netherlands). Germany’s big car Portal dares to peek into the future. Therefore the sale of electric vehicles not only Europe is to extend the Peugeot iOn, but also mobility services are developed that are independent of the ownership of own cars. Where is the massive expansion of various car-sharing concepts in focus. A related site: Affiliated Computer Services mentions similar findings. For this, a partnership between twenty European cities, energy companies, research institutions and automakers was decided. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Viatris. Peugeot will accordingly be electric iOn the car-sharing project available. At the same time work is underway within the framework of joint research projects, the very lengthy process of recharging the vehicles continue to accelerate.

Also ensure that there are enough charging stations available at least in the urban areas. Moreover, the French car manufacturer could take 2000 reservations for the iOn counter, which will be in October of this year on the market. Peugeot expects that already in the year 2015 electric vehicles in European countries will have a market share of 1.5 to 3 percent. For this reason alone, Peugeot try to take over the market leadership in this segment. More information: magazin/../Peugeot-iOn-Elektrofahrzeug…

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