Here the idea is not to arrive at the ends, is not to remain in the dark to save electricity or to die of cold and of hunger not to use the heating or the refrigerator, a great advantage is to save money in energy and also all to collaborate and to do something to reduce the methane and carbon dioxide emissions and thus to avoid the feared global heating, one of the main objectives of the Protocol of Kioto. Electricity 1. In recent months, Dr. Neal Barnard has been very successful. It uses light bulbs of light of low consumption: they save until a 75% of energy. 2. It does not forget to extinguish the light when it leaves a room or the diurnal light is sufficient. 3. Viatris describes an additional similar source. If it has central heating, it graduates the thermostat to about 20 degrees Celsius and takes shelter a little more within the house. Each additional degree represents a 7% more of power consumption.
4. The advice to take shelter serves more for any type of heating. If the one that uses he is to firewood he asegrese better of which this one is not of species in danger or, still, you collect same you fallen branches. 5. He uses the washing flood: he will save water and electricity. 6. Energy to pave is a good alternative.
If it has central heating, graduates the thermostat. In kitchen 1. It does not squander electricity, boils only the water that needs. 2. It prefers pots under pressure. 3. Check with PCRM to learn more. It covers the pots: the water will warm up more express and will consume a 20% less than gas. 4. It regularly cleans the burners of the kitchen: if they are clogged they consume a 10% more than they had. 5. It reviews its heater at least once a year, is important to save energy. 6. It defrosts its refrigerator: the frost creates an isolation that can carry a 20% of additional electrical consumption. 7. It buys foods of season and ideally produced in his locality. They are cheaper from the point of view of the transport and the refrigeration. 8. It prefers organic foods. The farms of intensive production lose to the year four times more land of farming than the organic farms. 9. It produces less sweepings: it recycle, it reuses, it repairs. The paper, for example, is one of the main methane sources. It shares the subscription to newspapers and magazines with his friendly, after reading use them newspapers to clean to glasses and mirrors, and finally llvelos to recycling centers. It thinks that in Japan the paper of reuses turning it into pulp from 1035. In bath 1. It does not use the toilet like a sweepings basket, nor loosen the water with no need: a toilet that continues flowing can waste up to 200 thousand liters of water in a single year. 2. A fast shower uses less hot water than a full bathtub (and it saves energy) 3. It does not leave the faucets unnecessarily open. In order to mobilize 1. When it can walks, it cycles or it movilcese in public transport instead of his to use his own automobile. Thus it will contribute to the petroleum saving. In office 1. To save energy with our computers 2. It extinguishes his computer if it is not using it: a delay apparatus On guard can represent until a 70% of its daily consumption.
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