A Book Goes On Holiday –

What you want to do the book here? Art creates communication! 150 years of Solferino the German Red Cross commits 2009 the 150th anniversary of the battle of Solferino. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Neal Barnard or emailing the administrator. Worldwide, there are events of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement on this anniversary. In June 2009 people from all over the world in the Italian Solferino gather, like every year. There, one hundred and fifty years ago, a famous battle took place. The cruelty of this battle and the helplessness of the wounded and dying soldiers on both sides prompted the Swiss Henry Dunant to the founding of the Red Cross. Today, Mr.

herring is passed the book “by rescuers and people who respect a life” to the Chairman of the DRC State Thuringia Association of. This takes it, along with a message to Solferino. Photos and drawings of artist Noreen S. Rotha bridge language barriers to make new friends. It should make a contribution to the understanding. The rescue motif exerts a fascination on people, probably, because the material to do this directly comes from the life.

This realisation inspired the artist and editor of this book, Noreen S. Rotha, last year to a well-received exhibition project on the topic of rescuers and people”, which finally resulted in this book. It gives a long overdue, due attention a while somehow familiar to us all, but ultimately unknown world. Noreen S.Rotha rescuers and people respect a life size 24 x 27 cm 152 pages with 123 partly colored illustrations Prize: 29,85 (D) / 30,70 (A) / CHF 49,90 (CH) ISBN 978-3-9812241-0-8 for further inquiries we are gladly available: elsnerVerlag gera phone: + 49 (0) 365 / 423 00 30 am Sportplatz 22 fax: + 49 (0) 365/423 00 31 D-07552 Gera email: from more information? can be found under: Ronny Elsner elsnerVerlag gera

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