Occupational Diseases
Fracture of the bones of the skull base and. Contusion of the occipital region. Alcohol intoxication (alcohol content of 0,54 ). (According to the severity of injury, issued by the U.S. '9th Clinical Hospital, "September 27, 2006).. Akunevich Michael Andreevich died from his injuries in the intensive care unit of U.S.
'9th Clinical Hospital ", 4 October 2006. 4. Cause of an accident. Operation is technically Forest faulty brand LSPSH 2000, expressed in the absence of on-board fence and an intermediate horizontal element fence. Violated the requirements: p.1.3.7, p.1.3.10, p.1.3.11 GOST 27321-87 Wood rack for ladders construction work.
Specifications., P.313 Interindustry general rules of labor protection, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Belarus of June 3, 2003 70 5. Persons who have committed violations of labor legislation and health and safety. Strelkovsky Vladimir Semenovich, superintendent of UE "Beta-Bud", which allowed exploitation of forests brand LSPSH 2000 in the absence of them on-board fence and an intermediate horizontal fence elements, which violated requirements p.1.3.7, p.1.3.10, p.1.3.11 GOST 27321-87 Forest rack ladders for construction works. Click mens weight training for additional related pages. Specifications, p.313 Interindustry general rules of labor protection, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Belarus of June 3, 2003 70; p.8.11 job description occupational health and safety foreman (master), approved by the chief engineer of UP "Beta-Bud" in January 2004. 6. Activities to address the causes of the accident. 1. To prohibit exploitation of forests, without a board fence and an intermediate horizontal member ograzhdeniya.2. Conduct unscheduled briefings with all employees of UE "Beta-Bud" in connection with the accident occurred case with severe outcome from a plasterer Akunevichem MA 3. Issue an order to eliminate the causes of the accident with Akunevichem MA 4. Consider termination of the contract with the superintendent of UE "Beta-Bud" Strelkovsky VS, for a single flagrant violation of safety rules that resulted in injury to another employee. 7. Conclusions. On the basis of paragraph 3 of the Rules of investigating and recording accidents and occupational diseases approved Resolution of the Council of Ministers on January 15, 2004. 30 (National Register of the Republic of Belarus, 2004., 8, 5 / 13691), an accident with Michael Andreevich Akunevichem, plasterer 5th level of construction Private enterprise "Beta-Bud" is subject to execution of the act of an accident at work Form H-1, the integration of UE "Beta-Bud" and included in state statistical reporting. State Labour Inspector not met with the victim because of lack of opportunity to take an explanation relating to his physical condition. Relatives of the victim explained to the rights provided by law.
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