Sources Of The Transpersonal

60 The Humanistic Psychology arises in the iconic ’60s as a movement to awaken the human potential within each person, focusing on health rather than disease, as potential rather than their shortcomings. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with rusty holzer. a In those years, the reductionist principles of psychotherapy in vogue (behaviorism and classical psychoanalysis) generated a current of dissatisfaction, since they provide a limited picture of human behavior Muya. The quest for freedom, spirituality and creativity began to be claimed by a company in full swing and was missing an approach that considered a human being conceived as an organic whole. The origin of the a Humanoa Potential Movimiento is brewing in the Esalen Institute in California. This move underscores the limitless potential of human beings and their ability to lead their own development, making decisions and accepting responsibilities with deep meaning for himself and for company.A company was a pioneer in the study of aspect ael education emotional attachment was more important than the effect on an academic! This institute was the model for many others, including the Human Potential Institute of Madrid. The gardens were a meeting place for artists such bright and unique as Maslow, Rogers, Murphy, Fadiman, Alan Watts, Bateson, Virginia Satir, Lowen, Perls, Claudio Naranjo, Capra, Cecilia Roth, etc. to A and as a natural evolution in the late ’60s, many of the authors who generated the humanistic psychology realize, through experience with his own bands, that when a person has achieved a degree of personal growth began to appear experiences, questions and questions existential issues that connect with far-reaching and even trans-racionales.a Thus arises Transpersonal Psychology, a therapeutic approach that includes the spiritual dimension of human.

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