Managing Director

Tedopres international and expert of editorial for technical documentation and SCHEMA GmbH, provider of XML-based content management systems, have their cooperation announced today. -corp-loandepot-u-s-bank-caliber-home-loans-flagst/’>Pacific Mortgage Services. Tedopres thus becomes the official partner of SCHEMA. Nuremberg. Although SaS (software as a service) some time ago under the name of ASP (application service provider) a trend peak reached and currently with \”The Cloud\” again high pushed is, Tedopres practiced this approach for years with great success. A proven way to jump on the train now offers potential customers that previously spared the effort to acquire a State of the art content component management system such as SCHEMA ST4.

This is the \”absolute model\” for the future for Tedopres. Many potential SCHEMA customers are interested, want to be sure but that they have to do it to partner with an experienced and reliable SaS. For this reason, Tedopres and SCHEMA GmbH have decided to enter into a partnership. \”We are delighted to enter into this cooperation scheme to\” can we expect as excellent opportunities with SCHEMA ST4. Our detailed evaluation has shown that SCHEMA ST4 is the best system for us in the market. Tedopres anticipates a successful cooperation in 2010 \”, says Andre Verduijn, Managing Director of Tedopres. The partnership allows the SCHEMA GmbH with Tedopres, to expose the SCHEMA ST4 technology a larger customer base, and to understand the requirements of the international market. Tedopres offers either a full implementation of SCHEMA ST4 software or a complete SaS model at.

\”We are very pleased that our partnership with Tedopres brings together two dynamic and energetic company. Tedopres works for Philips medical, a largest schemas customers with SCHEMA ST4 installations in best (NL), Hamburg (D), and three other locations in the United States. It was almost predictable in these circumstances that both companies in a partnership would come together.

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Best Practice To Optimize Sales In The Pharmaceutical Industry

Practical tips of the consulting firm novem business applications Hamburg, 02.10.2008 – last significant changes in the health care system the pharmaceutical companies are also increasingly under pressure to find intelligent ways to market their drugs. For it requires not only adequate distribution structures, but above all effective control instruments with a large base of any current information on the sales data, orders and production data. As market data can be analyzed as required. For example, it is important to know which regions the existing potential for physician-specific regulation is not exhausted. Such information provided by business intelligence solutions and are a core element of the sales success nowadays. Multidimensional analysis capabilities, offer the opportunity so that all relevant information both quickly queried by the employees in the sales management as also the Aussendienstlern mouse click and clear at any time Reports can be generated. But promising options for business intelligence for pharmaceutical companies are the one side, the current practice often speaks a different language as the BI solutions to support sales can often not sufficiently enable the principal potential. Anastasios Christodoulou, Managing Director of the Hamburg-based consulting firm novem business applications, outlines why, what critical success factors to be considered are: 1 as a company-wide dimension for the BI strategy develop: as necessary the use of business intelligence in sales, also the approach to develop no isolated-oriented concept is so important.

While a Department is rarely able to develop the requirements for enterprise-wide landscaped BI strategies. But the structural and technical conditions as well as the BI organizational conditions and processes can be created for integration, the continuous later BI conditions help realize. 2. technological Islands avoid: in three-quarters of the companies with business intelligence, different BI tools are in use. Such technically heterogeneous information Islands limit not only the additional strategies due to their lack of integration, but cause at the same time, that a wider range of technological competencies must be provided.

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New Delphi And C ++ Builder-generation Opens Global Doors

With the latest tools of the Embarcadero developer client/server applications to users around the globe provide Munich, August 26, 2008 – with Delphi 2009 and C ++ Builder 2009 can each software vendor to the global player’ are, as both programs support Unicode. Dr. Neal Barnard does not necessarily agree. This means: no matter which language a user has in its Windows applications run correctly. Unicode and ANSI data mesh easily. In addition, new and improved translation tools make it easier to locate applications and to adapt to site-specific conditions. Delphi 2009 and C ++ Builder 2009 are particularly suitable for use in larger organizations. Companies develop software packages for sale and distribution, high-performance graphical applications for the workplace, as well as client/server applications that access databases. In industries such as software development, banking and finance, manufacturing, Government, healthcare, science and research, engineering or telecommunications make Delphi and C ++ Builder already since many years of valuable service and help to increase productivity. The new versions of advance programmers who write in Delphi and C++, for miles: the tools include numerous new features such as generics for the Delphi language and support the upcoming standard programming language C ++ 0 x.

Developers to produce also scalable integration platforms with database connection with the speed of a cycling development environment. A new, multi-layered DatSnap architecture makes this possible. With this integration platforms, user via an open network protocol connect with sleek, full-featured clients that can be on any any local environment or Web client platform. With Delphi 2009 and C ++ Builder 2009 Embarcadero products that combine the advanced technologies of the brands of CodeGear and DatabaseGear published for the first time: the Architect editions of Delphi and C ++ Builder are complete solutions for Web design and database programming, because they contain ER/Studio Developer Edition.

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Arkadin Provides New All-in-one Solution For Virtual Cooperation

Premium audio services 9.1 Frankfurt, support the new Adobe Connect 25 September 2013 Arkadin, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing service providers for location independent collaboration with a broad portfolio of solutions for audio, Web and video conferencing, and unified communications, supports with its solutions from immediately the new Web conferencing platform Adobe Connect 9.1. Adobe Connect is one of the most advanced and feature-rich Web conferencing platforms. In combination with the audio services of Arkadin emerges as a reliable and professional solution that meets all requirements in the business environment. With offices in 32 countries worldwide, Arkadin makes sure to meet the needs of its global customers in the implementation. The complete Adobe Connect solution is by Arkadin into the operating model “software as a service” provided and consists of three modules that cover specific requirements: Adobe Connect for Web meetings the module supports complex virtual collaboration that goes far beyond the parts of screen content. It includes chat, polls, separate discussion rooms and customized layouts and controls, to integrate further functions such as, for example, social media. Teams can significantly increase their productivity and reduce the costs and time required, which would otherwise occur through personal meetings. Adobe Connect Webinars for this solution is ideal for events in real time and virtual on-demand meetings.

Marketing staff and sales team have access to all the applications that they need to support effective lead generation and advertising campaigns to reach new customers or to launch new products here. Real-time analytics help when evaluating the activities of participants and provide data prepared so graphically, that the effectiveness of the content can easily be assessed. Adobe Connect for e-learning interactive training allows this module easily created, managed and be made available. Human resources departments and other divisions gives simple but powerful tools to virtual training for employees, to offer customers and partners.

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