GmbH Kennedydamm

Leading manufacturer of foils and packaging advice mandate on Behrens & CIE consulting Dusseldorf, 20.07.2011 Behrens & Cie. Consulting helps a manufacturer of various films and polyethylene packaging the optimisation of procurement costs. The company edited printed foils in various steps and it assembled a variety of products, such as bags, shopping bags, bags, caps and cuts and belongs to the leading manufacturers. The company based in southern Germany took over mid-2010 by a group of German entrepreneurs families. Behrens & Cie.

consulting already supports for the second time this Munich-based Group of companies in the procurement costs of one of their portfolio companies. >). The investment focus is on established medium-sized companies in different industries in mature markets. Goal is to support the company with additional entrepreneurial and financial commitment and to establish a sustainable stable profitability. In the frame Behrens & Cie. This value and profitability strategy, consulting was commissioned again to identify potential savings in purchasing and to implement.

Implementation-oriented shopping initiatives significantly increase the return on sales and the earnings of a company. Financial investors and private equity increase so the success of a company acquisition: you benefit by the improvement in earnings and profitability-based appreciation of the portfolio company, as well as by the possibility of achieving higher leverage effects in the own strategic activity. Behrens & Cie. consulting is a consulting firm that specializes in sustainable cost reduction in purchasing. The company advises medium-sized companies and investments by private equity firms solely in relation to the purchase, because a clear specialization brings the highest efficiency for the customer. The procurement experts guarantee the operational implementation of all identified potential savings and share the entrepreneurial risk of their clients through the 100% performance-related fee structure: no savings, no fee. Find more information about Behrens & Cie. consulting at: contact: Behrens & Cie.

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The Trend

“Were summarized the main findings related to is and set”: the existing advantages are especially: “Lifestyle of” (LO) makes clear, it is an independent consensus movement (a kind of life vision). For this group, life and economy quality standards is linked. “” Health”(health) and (and) Substainibility ‘ (sustainability) (HAS) to be minimum standards” defined. LOHAS speaks the enlightened and conscious people to his influence enabled position as a buyer. To know more about this subject visit Dr. Stuart M. McGill. The LOHAS acts effective, goal-oriented and with confidence. LOHAS are open to innovations and can quickly integrate new trends. You trust rather own networks as political parties.

They are in addition to the silver economy”(the young old”) one of the most formative influence factors for consumption and economic change. Succeeded them within a short time, to bring large companies quietly and without resistance to reconsider. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Stuart M. McGill. “” Got to feel the resistance of the economic lobby unwilling to change during the policy when the bottle deposit”and nearly the load limit” learned, succeed in LOHAS and silver economy in the smiling style “and are still of the economy while Hof douse. “Who the elegant” who creates has the energy is so trend capable of more. “” This befahig also quite possibly the common goal: for the one we want to be young “, for which we want other life well and consume but please with much health and (verifiable) sustainability”. “” The trend even its own “economic basis appeared to give” the experts first deeper into the economic landscape. As LOHAS has important allies in a TREND of SELF and COOPERATION. The question was therefore also in the work shop health and sustainability in the performance process”, whether LOHAS integrate this can and will. A little of LOHAS”was already noted and marked with the concepts of SELF and cooperation. We do this here (Simplified) as LOHAS ErganzungsPUNKTE”on: More and more people questioning their lives (and especially professional life) meaning.

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Health Management Pays

TERAPON Consulting presents deals at the world’s leading security exhibition in Essen / prevention and intervention of acute food – despite declining crime rates occur in Germany continue to more than 200,000 violent offenses, which even then deep traces in the victims, though they have no physical damage. Come to”countless accidents etc., which also underline the importance of prevention and victim support, explains Dr. Christian Ludke, renowned Samantha and Managing Director of belonging to the KAKAR group TERAPON Consulting GmbH, on the occasion of launching soon fair security” in Essen. October 7-10, 2008 visitors of the world’s most important security fair at booth kotter security (Hall 2.0, stand 237) can check the inter alia about TERAPON consulting offerings. Hear from experts in the field like Dr. Robert Brannon for a more varied view. About one-third of those affected develop on the basis of long term damage like anxiety, not least the consequences of trauma lead even to the disability. The mental injuries mean for individuals”the loss of control, hand lungsfahigkeit and happiness in life, says Dr. Ludke. This makes it also economically very important: for companies through disease, loss of good employees and authorities re-occupancy can cost quite often several ten thousand euros.

Healing and successful prevention are no coincidence”, emphasizes Dr. Ludke. This means that we can but does not prevent the experienced, but reduce the consequences.” This concrete figures: the indicated one-third of patients with severe seelischen the number of those who permanently suffer from a chronic trauma, may be stress by intensive care on reduced below ten percent. Prevention and care to leave that to chance to ensure TERAPON consulting with a broad spectrum. This ranges from advice on diagnosis to acute intervention and rehabilitation. However you are targeting Care facilities not only to acts of violence and similar crisis events.

Rather, TERAPON consulting intends to offer comprehensive health management. This includes training in personnel management and the monitoring of restructuring processes in companies. Offers aimed inter alia at credit institutions and trade, which are particularly affected by raids. Other companies or institutions can on the competencies of experts trust en about, when it comes to the protection against bullying and AIDS after serious accidents. Contact: TERAPON consulting, phone: 0201/2788-464; E-Mail:; Internet: trade fair Security 2008 “: Hall 2.0, stand 237 Messe Essen

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