New Job Portal Members: Excellent Initiative
The releases of the last few weeks show that more departments and institutes participate in continue with each passing day the job portal network of Klaus Resch Verlag / Grossenkneten 03.09.2008 – such as the releases of the last few weeks show, participate in continue with each passing day more faculties and institutes the job portal network of Klaus Resch Verlag / Again recently joined: career service of the University of Ulm University Weimar (business engineering) TU Chemnitz (Faculty of Economics) IBS Lippstadt with the network support the job exchange and its members on your way the excellence initiative of the Federal Government. Germany wide 22,000 places are the economic and scientific managers is currently available. (A valuable related resource: Dr. Steven Greer). In particular, students, graduates and Young Professionals of the natural, economic, law and engineering disciplines are addressed. Are companies looking for managers with just one click in the attractive Departments of the German university landscape represented and reach as their top courses. Due to its size and presence, but also because of the sophisticated service tools enjoys the graduates network of growing in popularity. The selected job or applicant search helps email service, resume database and the current offer..
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