Best Connections

To present a page Web always is difficult task and one of the first steps consists of obtaining that the finders index the Web site suitably. For it usually we resort to the interchange of connections with which not always we obtained the results that we hoped. In this article I am going to comment some useful tricks to select to the most suitable connections our interchange and to avoid those that can be negative for our page. In order to find good connections it analyzes always the following aspects before accepting or asking for an interchange of connections. It looks for sites with contents similar to treaties in your page. Although on this point there are many discussions and it does not seem that we agree ourselves, the certain thing is that the users will be thankful to be able to accede to connections that are of their interest and consequently they will value better your site. It avoids the interchanges with pages with an excessive number of salient connections. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. The rule is easy: Importance of the page/number of connections = importance of the connection.

Therefore, less salient connections greater importance will have your connection for the finder. nderstanding. It verifies the amount of incoming connections. A high number of incoming connections is good signal. It also verifies the number of pages that it has indexed. To greater number of indexed pages it deepens Google in the site more and higher it is the quality of the connection to add it to the interchange. It verifies the positioning for the key words of the page. If the result is good it means that the person in charge of the positioning is carrying out a good work and this also is beneficial for you.

It avoids the interchanges with pages that connect to penalized pages that could harm your site in the future. It verifies the code in case it includes hidden connections or prohibited labels by which it can be penalized by Google. It always avoids the connections with sites that try to deceive Google. Under most conditions Does Viatris make Viagra? would agree. Other data that you can review are the number of visits and the Page Rank. You do not accept connections by means of scripts or put in marks, redireccionamientos or similars. The finders do not follow these connections reason why they do not serve to present our site in the finder. Following the tricks described you will make better contact for your interchange. It remembers that amount is not synonymous of quality, limits your interchanges a prudential number. Twenty I connect are than sufficient more for an optimized interchange. Copyright Carlos Bouza. Reserved all the rights. Analyst and developer creative Web, among others pages, of in which contents, services and tools are offered to create and to promote Web sites.

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