Chamber Bavaria
Health-conscious customers benefit by GesundheitPRIVAT compact the tariff GesundheitPRIVAT compact oriented at GrundschutzPRIVAT and characterised by the same services at primary medical treatments and medicines. For tooth replacement, he reimbursed the expenses up to 75 percent unless the insured person during the three calendar years prior to the treatment has carried out an annual dental prophylaxis. For each year in which no prophylaxis was carried during this period reduced the reimbursement rate to 5 per cent; in any case, but at least 60 percent of the treatment costs are taken over. Outpatient medical and dental expenses will be reimbursed up to 3,000 euros to 80 per cent, in addition to 100 percent. Screening and Dental prophylaxis will not count also here on the rebates. Also GesundheitPRIVAT – compact in particular to health-conscious customers is aimed as a more cost-effective and power-reduced variant of the tariff GesundheitPRIVAT, introduced in April.
In the context of his contribution refund returns currently up to five monthly payments in freedom. Moreover, the tariff for customers entitled to rebates, which have a body mass index (BMI) from 18 to under 25 and confirm that they are non-smoking as of completion of the 20th a yearly bonus of 50 euros each holds life year, maximum so 100 euros. Screening does not affect the contribution refund and will not count on the deductible. Examples (in euro): monthly fee / GrundschutzPRIVAT age/sex 45 years woman: 208,71 45 years man: 158,83 30 years women: 129,39 30 years man: 90,64 monthly fee / GesundheitPRIVAT compact 45 years female: 354,16 45 years man: 255,64 30 Years female: 245,97 30 years man: 163,72 the maximum record age for both tariffs is 64. Earliest possible commencement of insurance cover is October 1, 2008.
For more information see. The Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG and Union health insurance AG form the sixth-largest insurance group in Germany under the umbrella of the Consal Beteiligungsgesellschaft AG and belong to the group insurance Chamber Bavaria. It is the largest public insurers nationwide and among the top ten of insurers. in 2007, scored the all-fields insurer premium income of 5.66 billion euros (preliminary) and has about 6,500 employees. Every working day, the company pays its customers approximately EUR 17 million in insurance benefits. Every year more than 2.8 million insurance and performance cases processed, about 1,500 per work hour.
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Officials PKV
The private health insurance for civil servants. As a civil servant, you can switch from the statutory health insurance private health insurance, but you must observe a few things. There are various subsidies and tariffs, which are offered and which you then should inform themselves. The aid of officials, what you are entitled to varies according to what looks like the family stand point and depending on state changes to the aid, E.g. Dr. Neal Barnard often addresses the matter in his writings. They receive 50% of the aid for married and unmarried officers and starting from the second child, the allowance for the PKV officials 20% increased. 70% get officials who are entering retirement also PKV. However, this varies according to the State, more details they find in the respective State aid regulation, where everything is set. The official use of the private health insurance must pay the additional costs.
Also the costs and services the rates change. You should inform yourself exactly, E.g. about the tariffs and then compare before you decide for the PKV. If you go to the car by the statutory health insurance will, you must meet certain criteria, apart from the income. The officials are because of the advantage, because you can receive aid. The difference of the statutory health insurance and the PKV for officials is that you have to pay everything in the statutory health insurance. The change to the car is better for civil servants, in contrast they should cover approximately the rest cost 50% so in the statutory health insurance. There is no uniform State aid between the Lander, in every State it has been prescribed and set.
As mentioned the income plays no role, but the sex, age and pre-existing conditions. Before graduating and a change to the car a noncommittal PKV comparison to solicit. This informs you about the rates and offers, and thus helps you to make the right decision. Alexander Lanew
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Health Insurance
Without Moss nix loos – provide better sick allowance without health examination for workers who is longer than six weeks ill, has not only serious health problems, but may also soon financial, once the remuneration in case of sickness the employer ends. Up to 20% can be in the time after the financial losses compared to the other net income. Does not happen to you? A leg fracture or herniated disc can be found many and make unfit for work for weeks or even months. Better it live without this risk especially, if you can get it without health issues and to reasonable contributions in the handle. We like to explain how to cheaply and effectively guard against the financial consequences of disability! Reimbursement of accident treatments it can go very quickly: A fall, a complicated fracture. Who has agreed to a deductible for health insurance with his cash, faces in the event of an accident quickly with high costs.
Even if the cost of health insurance are covered, deductibles or even the whole mountain of costs if the insured remains, if the rebates will not be compromised. With additional SB – accident protection you can protect yourself against this risk. Without health issues and at surprisingly low rates. Entrepreneur who is self-employed, should worry in time about his health insurance. The company is successful and achieves a high income, then must reckon with payments amounting to several thousand euros, who remains voluntarily insured in the statutory health insurance. This has confirmed the Bundessozialgericht (AZ. B-12-KR 14/05 R) why? Checkout entrepreneur will receive a preliminary decision of the contribution up to the first income tax return. Is the legal minimum wage shall be of 1.916,25 (as of 2010) per month for 14.3%, a monthly statutory health insurance contribution amounting to 274 is due. Doesn’t the first tax assessment notice what at start-ups After two and a half years the case is rare is the fee retroactively recalculated.
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