Great Barrier Reef
Kuzovok longhorned yellow (fish-cow) – Lacloha cornuta or Ostracion cornutus – fish funny rectangular unit Iglobryuhoobraznye, family Kuzovkov (Ostraciidae or Ostraciontidae). Family includes 14 genera and 30 species. Body Kuzovkov longhorned yellow in section is almost square. It is protected by armor, consisting of a solid bony plates. The plates usually have a hexagonal shape with holes for the eyes, mouth, fins, anus and gill slits. Fins have Kuzovkov longhorned yellow, very small. No pelvic fins, and dorsal presented only mild back. Kuzovkov eyes are large and highly elevated.
At the front of the head are hornlike protuberances. Kuzovok longhorned yellow reaches a length of 10 to 50 cm, but the aquarium is rarely more than 6-8 sm.Dlya protection from predators Kuzovok longhorned yellow thrown into the water a strong poison – ostratsitoksin produced its tissues. Fish-cow lives in shallow coastal areas with sandy or pebbly bottom. She leads a territorial way of life. Sometimes Kuzovkov occur in the open ocean, getting there by strong currents. In nature Kuzovok longhorned yellow bottom feeders invertebrates (holothurians and other echinoderms, sponges, crustaceans), some species supplement their diet with algae. Food Kuzovkov mined as follows: running water, they wash the sand from the bottom of the lagoon, revealing small bespozvonochnyh.Kuzovok longhorned yellow (fish-cow) provides spawning at night, eggs float freely in water. Habitat: Representatives of the family Kuzovkov prevalent in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Habitat Kuzovkov longhorned yellow – Red Sea, Indo-Pacific, Great Barrier Reef. Content in Alushta aquarium: Because of the toxins that allocates Kuzovok longhorned yellow, many hobbyists are afraid of wind the fish. In a small volume of the aquarium dedicated Kuzovkov poison will destroy all the inhabitants. In Alushta aquarium uzovok longhorned yellow contained in a spacious tank with a water temperature of 26 C, illuminated by fluorescent lights. The aquarium should not be a strong current. Making an aquarium can be a mixed coral and algae. Fish-Cow peacefully coexist with non-aggressive fish of other species, other than its food competitors. Kuzovkov not tolerate damage to the skin pokrovov.Kuzovok longhorned yellow omnivorous. In our aquarium, it feeds different animals fed with meat of marine invertebrates. For the full ration is also necessary to give plant food.
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Need Cats
From the third week of the kittens are gradually fed solid food (meat, fish, etc.) from a flat dish, ie, begin to feed on the diet of growing youngsters. When feeding, older cats need to take into account that the age-related cell death, proliferation and delay aging bodies lead to a breach of digestion and absorption. Such cats are also often observed poor dental health. In this period of life need for calories decreases and increases the need for protein, minerals, micronutrients and vitamins. However, it is primarily concerned with castrated or sterilized aging animals, but not cats, who, despite his age, still used for breeding and at reduced capacity for absorption in need of a large number of high quality and easily digestible food. Daily ration of older cats should be divided into 2-3 portions, ie, these animals are fed more often, avoiding unusual change of feed. It is better not to include in the feed was indigestible ballast material, animal bones and fish. Appetite loss in this period of life cats can prevent vitamin injections of sex hormones.
To avoid obesity or malnutrition aging cat, it must be properly fed, not forgetting the optimal ratio between the portions of food and the load. Corresponding to the needs of balanced feeding cats can be considered as a basis maintain its health and productivity (at the dilution). Cats have a common vitamin and mineral deficiency, as well as failure in some nutrients due to a monotonous diet or refraining from other food is a known perversity cats.
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Quarantine Aquarium Fish
Many beginning hobbyists, acquiring a pet store or bird market aquarium fish, have no idea what harm they can cause your aquarium by purchasing new fish is already sick. We are a few tips to help you avoid the consequences of infection of your home pond, using quarantine for ornamental fish. Why the need for quarantine? It's no secret that a large number of aquarium fish brought in for sale in our country because of border. Fish from Asia (Singapore, Thailand and China) often appears in our pet stores directly from the fish-breeding farms, ponds are located in the open air, without undergoing pre-treatment of parasites. For this is needed and quarantine aquarium fish.
Do all fish quarantine? Firms exist in our country receive aquarium fish from Asia that were previously used quarantine aquarium fish again brought by the party. But many firms have sent the goods arrived in the country as it is. But not everyone even the experienced aquarist at the eye will be able to determine whether healthy fish swimming in an aquarium with the seller. Fish may be somewhat weeks to look beautiful and active, but after a while become lethargic and skinny and lose its former brightness of color, on this, getting a new resident of your home pond, be sure to spend quarantine for her. How to conduct quarantine? There are several ways how to spend the quarantine aquarium fish. One of them is very simple given below. 1. Waters quarantine should be without a ground.
2. Feed fish during the quarantine by a few not perekarmlivaya. 3. For prevention, add in a quarantine aquarium methylene blue at the rate of 5 ml. 20 liters of water. 4. Add table salt 1 tablespoon per 15 liters (catfish koridorasam salt is contraindicated). 5. Monitor the behavior of the fish and cover at least two weeks. 6. If after two weeks, bought a fish feels the same cheerful and well fed and well swims safely to transplant it into a general Aquarium. 7. If the changes did take place, then apply to such fish have treatment on the basis of symptoms. So you know in what form, you can often buy aquarium fish, and taking advantage of our tips conduct quarantine aquarium fish you avoid unpleasant consequences and will not allow the disease to your aquarium inhabitants of the economy.
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