The Daily

For these missionaries and colonizadores, this people did not present fear, not to be with regard to some vacant names data to the nature. The notion of sacred seemed to be unknown to the Tupi-Guarani. One is about a people who, in contrast to other peoples found in the way of the discovery, seemed not to possess ritual some of any type of religious cult. Pparently, they do not possuam the knowledge of a god, way that did not demonstrate to have belief in some another being. This fact caused astonishment to the first Jesuits, therefore these if had come across with people without faith, but it consolidated the diffidence of that, at least between them, it would not be necessary to oppose itself against false beliefs, because at a first moment, a merciful look gave to understand not to have no belief.

The first impression that if had of this people is that she was people without faith. After all that religion was of them. The hande words reko, that the Guarani uses to express something as ' ' our skill of ser' ' , or ' ' way of ser' ' also it is used to say where, as and why they are recognized different of excessively, also assigning religion. That is the same that to say between the sub-groups, a particular of being, assumed and proclaimed skill with a carried through identity as an ancestral system of beliefs destined in such a way to lead the history of a people how much the daily one of each one of the people, is defined as one religion, one of the reasons for which exactly joint one of religious elements, in I begin univocal, between many sub-groups and etnias the point of being is sufficiently resistant still almost integrally the Guarani religion (SCHADEN, 1954). MYTH the Myths are miracles of the soul, are communication channels that had appeared with the language of our ancestor.

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