The World

There is no doubt that liberal democracies – in which we believed and we believe-, have not been able to solve serious problems latent in present-day societies of the 21st century: the world of drugs, the homeless, the famine that reigns in the five continents, juvenile crime, international terrorism, the frivolity of the consumismo(a esta nos han mal acostumbrado): this introduced by multinationals for their disproportionate, and personal enrichment being abusive in many cases. One gets up every day thinking and more thought in that suffered middle class, always there was and there will be, and it must exist to serve as a brake – in the fight for life that maintain, elbow to elbow, and kept-, between the upper class and lower class: what nobody to tear their robes because they belong to the low classeconomically speaking. And is that such low formed on many occasions by competent humble people and sufferers, who happen to be people, i.e. people with principles and duties that respect and fulfil the rights inherent to any citizen swimmingly because one understands and we understand all that that aforementioned middle class serves as a counterweight and valladar among those above (upper class) and los de abajo (lower class): the first subject them their pride, seconds he redirects his pride. Learn more at this site: Kenneth R. Feinberg. Thus, without a doubt, that we are pilgrims of the life marching United by this, that we live every day. Arrogance and pride, pride and arrogance: we must treat that they will combine with each other. And is that we are equal before God of all religions all: engineers, doctors, Cardinals, workers dressed people, beggars then divers the middle class has been playing an important role in relate to those above who wield power that produces wealth, with those below forgotten and neglected, many times, that are unable to achieve that State of minimum welfare to lead a normal life without suffering starvation and neglect.(Always we have understood by class Media to that group citizens occupying an intermediate place between the opulence of rich and deprivation of the poor.) Passing the border of our freedom always come to a disturbance of our State of mind: is the fear that it has arrived, and that virtually all persons have had it at some time of our mortal life. It is clear that, at the present time, the streets of the entire world have become, and now also Spanish, in scenarios where any of us can be moored, violated, hurt, insulted and, in many cases, have to fight for our own survival, by removing internal forces our adrenaline that fires at the speed of lightning and that fear is free. Learn more about this with Peter Arnell, New York.

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