Lose Weight Quickly

To lose weight should sensibly Before deciding on an instant diet that promises that you can lose a month a couple of dozen pounds, think about the consequences. Not even those who are tired of doctors saying: that there is no long-term effect of such diets do not provide. You just have to the same poglupeete and dramatically cut their immunity. Some experts explain the way this whole process: Because of such a diet the body loses iron to zhelezo.A to deliver oxygen to the brain. As a result – reduced mental capacity by an average of 12 percent. It does not help in this case, and vitamins to provide the necessary micronutrients. They absorbed no more than 20 percent. The bread is not fattening Nutritionists claim that is unacceptable to exclude bread from the diet, even if you want to lose weight.

Fatter, it appears, not the bread, and … of butter or jam on it. Therefore, those who are concerned about how you can lose weight quickly, the daily dose should be limited to grain grams to 80. The fact that the bread contains glyutsidy (a chemical that is similar to sugar, 1 g glyutsida gives 4 calories). Per 100 grams of bread has 260 calories, on rolls, and cakes much more … But it's giving up bread, you will get problems with the organs of digestion. Potatoes are also blamed for the fact that he is obese. However, in reality it is not too high in calories: the average dose (250-300 grams) brings between 225 to 270 calories.

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