National Festival

Punilla comes from quichua " puna" , name given by the exploratory expedition of Lorenzo Surez de Figueroa, shortly before being founded Cordova, when the feeling its men " apunados". Punilla is an extensive valley, flanked to the east by the cord of the Small Mountain ranges and to the west by diverse cords that alternate with high plateaus or Pampas of the Great Mountain ranges (like Pampas of Olaen and Pampas of San Luis), to the north by the cities of the River basin of the Sun and to the south by the Way of High Summits. The Mountain ranges of Cordova constitute one of the great centrostursticos of the country. It owns an exceptional climate, flora of excellent verdure, and serpenteantes rivers. Due to the great poblamiento of all the valley, their flora and native fauna can be found in the most mountainous parts, with molle, the Coco, orco quebracho, the apple tree of the field, carob trees and espinillos; together with teros in the level parts, lechuzas and owls; in the rivers are herons, woodpeckers and horneros. Additional information is available at rusty holzer. A set of populations has been developed of almost linear way on the axis of route, constituting in some true cases conurbations, in which is the greater installed plant of recreational equipment, of complementary lodging and, offering an extensive range of described services. The Punilla counts on a most important hotel, gastronomical infrastructure and of services, besides being it soothes of consecrated festivales between which the National Festival of the Folklore stands out net that every year is realised in the month of January in the city of Cosqun original Author and source of the article

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