Prevent Inflammation
If you suffer from chronic pain, the inflammation will only worsen the pain. Did you know that what you eat can be a source of inflammation? Millions of Americans consume the typical Western diet, which consists mainly of pro-inflamatorios food. These foods not only increase the inflammation and pain of inflammation, but they also increase their risk of developing chronic diseases. What foods are pro-inflamatorios? Pro-inflamatorios foods are sugar, fast foods, and fatty meats. These foods only serve to cause more inflammation in the body, since they contain unhealthy fats, especially fats trans and saturated.
Dairy products like milk, eggs and meats are sources of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. However, no they must be consumed in excessive amounts, since they are also sources of saturated fats. These foods also contain arachidonic acid, which can increase inflammation if consumed in excess. Bad food fats are not the only ones that can cause inflammation. Chemicals like nitrite also do, and foods that contain these chemicals are processed meats, including hot dogs, cold cuts and sausages. Then, what you should eat? Choose foods that do not promote inflammation, such as low in fat as well as cuts lean meat milk and cheese.
Try to reduce (or eliminate) the consumption of foods high in sugar as sodas, pastries, candy, sugary cereals and biscuits. It has found that diets high in sugar not only cause inflammation, but also obesity and chronic diseases. Avoid foods that belong to the nightshade family Solanaceae is a family of plants that has been discovered affects people with chronic pain, in particular to those who suffer from arthritis. While it is essential that we consume appropriate portions of fruits and vegetables, there are vegetables that can make the pain worse. Tomatoes, potatoes, okra, peppers and eggplants contain solanine, a chemical alkaloid which, as he has discovered, triggers pain. See if your pain and inflammation improve to avoid consumption of these nightshade for a week or two. Eat good fats: Omega-3 one of the ways you can prevent inflammation is eating good fats: omega-3 essential fatty acids. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include flax seeds, fatty fish in cold water, walnuts, canola, hemp and pumpkin seed oil. There are supplements of flaxseed oil or fish oil that can take daily to reduce inflammation. It was found that olive oil also helps to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as well as reduce pain. An anti-inflammatory diet tips if you should eat a snack, try to be whole fruit, such as nuts, seeds and cherries, as well as fresh vegetables such as carrots and celery. Reduce consumption of fatty red meat and eat more fish. Avoid fried foods. Instead of frying, it is better to roast, bake or Saute meals. Eat vegetables with a high content of antioxidants. These are vegetables green, yellow and orange. Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses) everyday, and if you want juice, drink 100% fruit and vegetable juices. Herbal tea and green tea are also good. Sprinkle a bit of turmeric to your food when you’re cooking. Turmeric is Curcumin, a natural compound with anti-inflammatory properties.
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