The Synthesis

The main sources of vitamin E are foods such as bread made from wheat flour, pulses, meat, fish, by-products, yeast, vegetable oil, eggs, cereals, dried mushrooms, peanuts, vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, green peas, sweet peppers). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has its own specific features that are manifested in the fact that he is involved in many physiological and biochemical reactions (promotes tissue regeneration, provides resistance to stress, provides a normal immune system and hematologic status, promotes the assimilation of iron, protein, vitamins, lowers cholesterol in the blood and eliminates the effect of allergens and carcinogens, increases resistance to adverse environmental influences and infections). Vitamin C plays a major role in the synthesis of collagen, which is one of the components of the blood vessels. The main causes of hypovitaminosis C are domestic factors (heat and cook processing of products of vegetable origin), improper and prolonged storage of food, cooking in the presence of salt, iron and copper. In partial lack of vitamin C in daily diet has been a general fast fatigue, sleepiness, decreased performance, swelling and bleeding of the gums, rough skin. In marked hypovitaminosis C is characterized by cyanosis of lips, nose, ears, nails, bulk and bleeding gums, hypochromic anemia, pallor, dry skin, etc. The highest amount of vitamin C found in fresh vegetables, fruits and berries (rosehips, black currant, sea buckthorn, red pepper, citrus, parsley, cabbage, potatoes, etc.), and also integrated in multivitamin preparations. Body's need for vitamins better variety of food consumption is met.

Supplementation of multivitamins and mineral supplements should be moderate, and dose – Individual. It all depends on diet, lifestyle and other factors. It is advisable to consume multivitamin preparations under conditions of limited food intake (vegetarian, strict diets for weight loss), as well as women of childbearing age, those who are rarely in the open air (disabled, elderly, people with chronic diseases), in violation of digestion, the population living in ecologically unfavorable conditions. Not should we forget that in some cases, vitamin supplements, especially its excess, could adversely affect the human body. For example, excess vitamin A leads to liver damage, drowsiness, itchy skin, hair loss, etc. Especially dangerous for pregnant women overdose. Long-term (several months), excessive intake of vitamin D and calcium metabolism breaks as a result – causing kidney disease. Excess vitamin E leads to bleeding when taking medications that reduce blood clotting.

Abuse of vitamin C leads to diarrhea, blood clots or the formation of kidney stones. It should not be Vitamin B6 is also abused because of the danger of damage to the nervous system. To assess the availability of these vitamins, the body must turn to the appropriate specialist. Often biomaterial for identification of hypervitaminosis a urine and blood, as well as conducting various tests.

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