Prostaciclinas Secretion

The prostaglandins are formed from fosfolipdios of membrane (acid araquidnico), reaction catalyzed for cicloxigenases (OAK, 2004). Beyond the PGE2, the acid araquidnico he is precursory of Prostaglandina F (PGF) and Prostaciclinas I2 (PGI2). These composites promote vasodilatao, increasing the sanguineous irrigation. The PGE2 and the PGI2 increase the vasodilatao, secretion of muco, bicarbonate acts as antagonistic on the release of acid clordrico for the parietais cells (BLACKSMITH, 2005). The vasodilatao promoted for the Prostaglandins is an essential factor for the cellular renewal, for guaranteeing nutrition and oxygenation of the gastric cells.

Beyond eliminating strange substances, it assists in the tecidual repairing. Jeffrey Bauer, PhD. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The Prostaglandins also stimulate the Compostos release Sulfidrilicos (SH) in the lumen of the stomach. The SH possess antirust activity (ROZZA, 2009). The PGE2 stimulates the secretion of muco and bicarbonate for the mucous cells, stimulates the nitric oxide release (IN), vasodilatador element, and secretion of SH (BONAMIN, 2010). The nitric oxide (IN) controls the gastric microcirculation, being produced for the NOsintase enzyme, that is controlled for the release or suppression of acid clordrico (ROZZA, 2009). When the gastric mucosa is injured, cicatrizantes cells, muco and plasma they form the layer mucide of pH 5. This structure assists in the cicatrizao of the gastric cells (BLACKSMITH, 2005). The gastroprotetor system also involves the somatostatina (set free substance for cells D) that they inhibit the secretion of histamina for cells ECF.

Hindering thus, indirectly the release of acid clordrico. Cells D also secretam (for it saw autcrima) amilina. The amilina increases the release of somatostatina for the proper cell (BONAMIN, 2010). 3.4. Medicinal plants the use of plants medicines for ends dressings is very old. The vegetal composites comumente were used in the populations of the antiquity for its diverse farmacolgicos effect (VIDO, 2009). Therefore, the natural medicines make with that the people enjoy of substances gifts in the nature that can balance the human organism, beyond, to increase the immunity (FRANCE, 2007).

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