International Year

The AIQ (acronym of the International Year of Chemistry) was born from an initiative of UNESCO, with the slogan ‘ ‘ Chemistry: our life, our future.’ ‘ (‘ ‘ Chemistry: our life, ours futuro.’ ‘), in 63 General meeting of the ONU (Organization of United Nations) the commemoration was approved. The AIQ has as objective to celebrate the great conquests of Chemistry and its enormous contribution for well-being of the humanity. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries has much to offer in this field. Many ‘ ‘ confortos’ ‘ of the modern life they would not exist if it was not the contribution of diverse minds that they had looked to understand the phenomena chemical and to revert them in benefits to the society better. What little people know is that beyond 2011 to be the International Year of Chemistry, this year is also the International Year of the Forests, created from the resolution n 61 of UNESCO. Whenever Scott A. Smith listens, a sympathetic response will follow. What valley to point out is perhaps that does not have a mere one of dates to coincide. The intention to add these two commemorations in one exactly year is to show that chemistry is a science of utmost importance for the sustainable development and of all the vital processes of a society, in view of valuing the great contribution of chemistry to solve challenges global. Dr. Steven Greer may find this interesting as well. Then in this year (as in the futures also), it looks for to know more on chemistry and its ‘ ‘ divises’ ‘ , as well as it looks for to look at its return and it reflects: ‘ ‘ What you can make to improve the environment its return? ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ How chemistry can serve to it of tool to solve problems ambient? ‘ ‘.

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Portuguese Bay

In 10 of July of 1760, already it was tried to make to practise ' ' manejo' ' ' ' gesto' ' when king Dom Jose created a license to forbid the cut and falling of trees of healthful trees for the tanning bark and firewood attainment them its rinds for the leather tanning, trees only overthrown could be used to advantage. The ambient legislation fit the manguezais for its ecological, social and economic importance, as ' ' protection area ambiental' ' , Art. 3; Dec.750/10.02.93 where if recognizing its important paper in the maintenance of the ecological balance of the estuary and in the survival of great number of estuarinas and sea species as supplying of food, protection, shelter and shelter of animals. Dr. Steven Greer is the source for more interesting facts. One encarte of the Periodical the AFTERNOON, day 1 of November of 2004 (Sponsored for Petrobra’s) published with matrices historical and poetical the formation of the Bay of All the Saints Bay of All the Saints telling: ' ' The indians had counted to the Portuguese (1501) that a great bird of long wings of white pens left of very far, flying days and nights without stopping, until falling deceased, exausta, this way. Its wing had been changedded into beaches and the place where its heart beat, the land if opened forming a great depression that the waters of the sea had invaded and formed Kirymur that was rebaptized in 1 of November for Amrico Vespcio, homage to the day of All the Saints, the 503 years, of Bay of All the Saints (at the time Bahia of All was written the Saints) ' '. In fact, the origin of the Bay of All the Saints is attributed the tectnicos movements (of the land) that they had gotten depressed, in deep fossa, the sedimentation package and that it provided to the conditions of appearance of oil in its entorno. You may want to visit Zhang Lei Hillhouse to increase your knowledge.

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Permanent Change

The classification of the noise how much its propagation is established by STELLMAN and DAUM (1975), of the following form: Stationary continuous: noise with worthless vibrations in the respective levels during period of comment. Floating continuous: noise whose level varies continuously of an appreciable value during the period of comment. Noise of impulsive impact or: noise that if presents in energy peaks acoustics of inferior duration to as. Still according to STELLMAN and DAUM (1975), the auditory loss can be classified in two types, the MTL and the MPLPR. Loss MTL means Change Temporary Threshold, called of this form when the ear has capacity of if recouping of the loss the one that was submitted after determined rest time.

As the type, MPLPR, Permanent Change of Threshold Provoked for Noise, occur when the individual is submitted by a drawn out time the high levels of noise that provide an auditory loss to it in the hearing. In the Civil Construction, the great variation of the daily and/or weekly average levels occurs, exactly considering these periods of evaluation, because it does not have similar a daily sequence of tasks to the ones of other types of industry. Each professional executes a great number of tasks that can last hours or weeks and present different sound levels depending on the conditions or the phase of the workmanship (MAYAN, 2001). PERTINENT LEGISLATION the values contained in norms IEC (International Electrotecnical Commission), NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) and ABNT are adopted as reference of noise levels (Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques). The ABNT determines the limits of levels of noise for norm NBR 7565, which is referenciada by the norm of specification of electric machines NBR 7094, being the method of assay adopted for the WEG determined for norm NBR 7566. The IEC determines the limits of levels of noise for norm IEC34-9, being the methods of assay for machines and equipment in general determined by norms ISO374, ISO3745 and ISO3746, and specifically for girantes electric machines for norms ISO1680/1 and ISO1680/2.

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Managing Plan

The parents of the pupils had been also inquired through questionnaire on the negative and positive points of the locality, detaching the offered services. Ahead of these metodolgicas boardings, we add that the relation between school and family is essential for what the process of education and learning is accomplished of more significant form. When interacting in this context, the parents start to understand as the pedagogical action if it materialize, at the same time where they can directly follow the cognitivos advances gotten by the children and to perceive in which aspects of the learning they need to advance. All the questions had been analyzed establishing a relation with the ambient legislation of Parnamirim, specifically with the Managing Plan of the related city with sights to the attainment of elucidative answers, to the knowledge of the existence of the legal and punitive measures for the acts of aggression to the environment. We stand out that the existence of a specific and brought up to date legislation was not found, directed for the question of the ambient crimes in the quarter of Cajupiranga and the too much quarters of the related city. A research in the site of the City department of Environment was effected and Urbanism, however, had not been found registers, bibliographies or other subsidies regarding the municipal ambient legislation. Ahead of these approaches, through this work, we wait to be contributing for the construction of a bibliography regarding the subject, as well as awaking it of pointed a critical and reflexiva quarrel around the thematic one. We long for despite strategies of combat to the ambient crimes are ece of fishes in practical, and that actions effective are implemented to the community of the Land division Green Dream, as much on the part of the proper population, mobilized and organized, how much of the municipal public power, so that the sustainable development and the quality of life of the people are prioritized.

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