The Pan American Health Organization

On World Mental Health Day is commemorated every October 10 with a campaign to focus global attention on the identification, treatment and prevention of any emotional or behavioral disorder outstanding for that year.
For example, the theme of World Mental Health Day 2003 focuses on the emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents. Focus world attention towards the effects they cause mental and emotional wellbeing of young trauma and violence.
Available figures show that in the Americas, the majority of children who need mental health care do not receive the necessary treatment. From a financial perspective, it is clear that early treatment of children and adolescents can reduce costs of care in later years as well as also the social costs for antisocial behavior may result in treatment failure in early childhood.
In addition, youth suicide is a widespread mental health problem and is the third leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide, according to this research. The adolescent substance abuse is also a global problem. The Pan American Health Organization – PAHO is working with countries to develop special programs for children and adolescents. The development of appropriate strategies that focus on mental health of children, besides the improvement of specialized services can have a very strong positive impact. PAHO was established in 1902 and is the public health organization world’s oldest. It is the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization – WHO works with countries to improve health and enhance the quality of life for its inhabitants.

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