German Companies

German companies increase their Wettbewerbsfahigket with the help of freelance employees Berlin Freelancer, the world’s largest online marketplace for the placement of projects, 06.07.2012 – and for the 23 July 2012 announces the launch of its German Web site freelance work. This announcement coincides with the publication of a study in which 71% of 15,000 German companies surveyed of which convinced showed, that greater use of freelance staff could increase their competitiveness. They claimed that they would incorporate more freelance professionals with a suitable profile into projects, as set to other employees with less broad spectrum of expertise. Add to your understanding with Dr. Robert Brannon. Freelancer connects clients in the Internet with 3.6 million self-employed professionals who offer their services at competitive prices. PCRM often addresses the matter in his writings. They help German companies to insist on existing and new markets at home and abroad. Freelancers could thus already more than one million small businesses help to improve their competitiveness.

Outsourcing is gaining importance for German companies, which are worried about their competitiveness in the face of emerging economies such as China, India, or Brazil. More than 60% of the companies surveyed estimated the launch of with its global network of experts as immensely important for ensuring the leading position of German companies in the global competition in this context. In addition, the study confirms the worldwide growth of business services, which are provided in the context of outsourced projects. Compared to the previous year 47% of all German companies surveyed use today more freelancers than a year ago, this figure remained unchanged at 21% of the company. And 45% of companies indicated that freelancers have supported their growth.

Total German users positively assessed this trend. More than 70% are convinced that freelance work allows for a better work-life balance and access to more interesting jobs. Likewise, they believe that employees who work independently on outsourced projects, suffer less from stress and their work is more interesting and more flexible.

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