Medical Rehabilitation Center

Osteochondrosis sooner or later becomes a problem for all of us, but how to live with this problem – your choice. Old age can be an active, active, happy and healthy, and can, as a young person to become a feeble old man. What is it – the low back pain? Why it is a common problem? And most importantly, what to do, to as late as possible and with minimal impact on our health get to know him? These and other questions about us osteochondrosis said Elena Anapolskaya – manual therapist Medical Rehabilitation Center "Kimberley Land." What is osteochondrosis? Just want to say that low back pain – not a disease, and aging spine. Medically speaking, low back pain – is the local distruktivno-dystrophic process in bone and cartilage, beginning in the intervertebral disc and spreads to adjacent bony vertebral elements. When our spine is beginning to grow old? It is sad, but age-related changes in the spine start getting somewhere for 20 years – the vessels that feed the intervertebral discs spine zapustevayut and their food begins to be carried out by osmosis, the diffusion of water and nutrients from the working muscles and ligaments. In the static-dynamic overload – the frozen posture, bad posture, inadequate physical activity – broken support and shock-absorbing function of the disk, and trophic lesions develop in the first place on the border of mobile and less mobile spine – nizhnepoyasnichnogo, nizhnesheynogo, as well as lumbar and sheynogrudnogo transitions. The disc is dehydrated, shrinking, flattening, leading to its protrusion – the so-formed protrusion, herniation. In response, the edge of the vertebrae grow reactively and local inflammation occurs, depending on location.

It is said that in recent years, low back pain much "younger"? This is true. Before his first symptoms manifested themselves after 30 years, and now osteochondrosis occurs in 20-year-olds. What is the reason? In my opinion, the reason is lack of exercise, monotonous movements.

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