Sharp Electronics

In Russia, sold more than 500 brands of mineral water and drinking water, while in America and Europe, the share of sales of private brands reaches 30-40% and is projected in some networks, it can be reduced to 60-80%. What companies? 1. Different and surprising. 2. Use emotion and inspiration against boredom and dissatisfaction. 3. Develop the quality of communication as a means of increasing competitiveness. 4.

Develop intuition as a tool to predict the market development. Driver 5. Life under the risk level of security in the world constantly decreasing. Environmental problems, economic crises, pandemics, nuclear threat, terrorism, constantly rising level of stress. Life at risk more and more influence on the economy, human values, the image life management.

This powerful driver stimulates economic approach to ecosystems, changing the logistics, the views on safety, nutrition and lifestyle. The fragility of the ecosystem creates a chaotic and complex area liability companies, and each person, which is to be resolved in the coming decades. The main trends are as follows. 1. Food = Health; "ECO" as a new value. Mass markets are born natural, based on ekotsennosti – ECO-production, mobilization and ECO ECO-town. Exploit the idea of "green" companies come to a real green product. For example, Sharp Electronics has developed an oven, which reduces the amount of fat eating habits. The oven heats to 570 degrees meal – as a result of fat evaporated and volatilized 2. Meaning as a new value. Instability in the world, growing threats, increased loneliness and responsibility of each of its life will strengthen the desire of man to understand its place and purpose and meaning of survival on earth. The thirst for meaning will affect the behavior, motivations, priorities and purchasing behavior. 3. Purchase your eyes open. In the next decade, manufacturers will be forced to post as much information about the product and its relationship to health, will develop new "codes", and the concept of the icon. Recent examples are: Carbon footprint – carbon footprint" which leaves each person buying anything. Carbon footprint labeling in the future will in any commodity, and they will compete at the level of less harm to the surrounding world. What companies? 1. Use health and environment as a motivating factor for buying 2. Invest in business ideas and new meanings in order to prevent the premature death of the company. Conclusion Only at first glance emerging trends of the future seem chaotic maps. Current trends – this is the future of innovation. Do not tell yourself "this will not happen," "but where is the guarantee?", "This far!" – Better to ask yourself: How will these trends may affect the vision and plans for my company? How to upgrade the business? How to get out on the consumers who are already "on the wave"? * Driver (born driver – the driver, host) literally means a product that gives the company the bulk of it is important for performance indicators (profit, turnover, the number of sales, etc.). In a figurative sense, the driver – driving the trend. ** The study, called Young Adults Revealed (Unveiled Youth") was held on Microsoft and Synovate in November 2008. among the 12 thousand young people. Article author: Anastasia Varaksina, brand agency director of strategic marketing and branding Mains, Novosibirsk article was published in the journal General Director, 4 (April 2010)

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