The Nuclei

Let's Here is how it makes nature. Official site: Dr. Neal Barnard. First, consider a natural radioactive decay. It is known that the nuclei of heavy chemical elements consist of a large number of protons and neutrons, each of which emits near space micro electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, these nucleons are inside the nucleus, have very complex and intensive rotational movement and change their orientations vzaimnvh. Wayne Holman often expresses his thoughts on the topic. And these are very Numerous electric fields emitted by the protons and neutrons in the nucleus and, moreover, constantly changing the relative orientation, have a very sophisticated pads to each other. From these plates at the nearest points mikroprostranstva inside the nucleus are most diverse in the direction and magnitude (from lowest to highest) the resulting electric field.

But nature is such that even such maximum electric field does not reach (as a result of overlap-addition) of extreme values and can not destroy any one nucleon in the nuclei of chemical elements are almost the entire periodic table. But at the same time, nature is an example of exceptions. Within the nuclei uranium, plutonium, radium and thorium in natural conditions in some isolated points (and so can match that to this point comes to a nucleon), there are extreme values of the electric fields and that they cause the decomposition a single proton or neutron in the package gammakvantov, which gives jolt to the natural radioactive decay of the nucleus. It is known that if the amount (weight) of uranium will be above the critical level, then the natural radioactivity goes into avalanche activity, and these are the scientists, when in vitro produce nuclear energy.

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